Petaling Jaya, September 23, 2011 – Children from Taarana, School for Children with Learning Disabilities proved that they can rule…
Education is the right of every child, but not every child has the right kind of education that he or…
Kuala Lumpur, 26 August 2011 – The children of Taarana marched proudly in a “Merdeka Walk” in conjuction with Malaysia’s…
After many months of preparation, TAARANA, Vijayaratnam Foundation’s special needs school in Malaysia, held an Open Day event at its…
KASIH sayang dan ketabahan sering dikaitkan dengan wanita. Mungkin kerana kelembutan hati hawa secara lahiriah membuatkan mereka mudah jatuh hati…
WHAT would it take for a former Bharatanatyam dancer who has been away from the spotlight for about 15 years…